Criminology & Criminal Justice

Uncovering the truth: Where justice meets research

O’Neill Criminal Justice faculty seek to understand the causes, prevention, and control of criminal behavior, as well as the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Their research draws on a variety of social science disciplines to investigate criminal behavior as well as evaluate policies and practices aimed at reducing crime and improving the justice system.

The O’Neill School’s faculty research places a strong emphasis on the intersection of social justice and criminal justice. It explores the impact of crime on marginalized and vulnerable populations and examines the ways in which the criminal justice system can work to address systemic issues of inequality and injustice.

Faculty spotlight

Featured research

Assistant Professor Caroline Bailey

Investigating slavery's impacts on modern society

Assistant Professor Caroline Bailey studies the ways in which historical institutions and practices, such as slavery, may be related to disparities within the modern criminal justice system and school settings.

Read more about Investigating slavery's impacts on modern society
Assistant Professor Lauren Magee.

Studying the impact of nonfatal gun violence on survivors and families

Assistant Professor Lauren Magee is researching disparities and barriers to care for shooting survivors and how to improve long-term behavioral health for them and their loved ones.

Read more about Studying the impact of nonfatal gun violence on survivors and families